• The Victory Ventures Accelerator Program is for athletes who have competed and performed at the highest levels of their craft and want to build an impactful venture. This includes Olympians, pro and semi-pro athletes, college athletes, coaches, and pro athlete’s supporting teams. Whether you retired from sports a month ago, 10 years ago, or are still actively involved, this is for you!

  • Anyone can apply – this program welcomes women, men, trans, non-binary, gender-diverse, and two-spirit people. The program will ensure equity in cohort design, championing women and those under-represented in the entrepreneurial world first.

  • The Accelerator is designed for people who already have an idea for a new venture. The idea can be rough and without specifics yet, but you should be able to explain what you want to create in a sentence. Don’t worry, we help you do the rest.

  • We look for ideas that have purpose at the heart; ideas that want to do good. This can be in the form of a start-up, a for-profit business, a not-for-profit, a foundation, etc. We welcome both for-profit and not-for-profit – working together makes both sides stronger.

  • No – the curriculum of the accelerator serves the pre-seed stage or the ‘idea stage’. If you are already incorporated or registered and are still figuring out the specifics of your offering, you can still join.

  • We believe in the power of coming together in person, so the program kick-off will be in person in Toronto, Canada for 1 to 2 days. The remainder of the program will be virtual with modules being scheduled at a time that is convenient across most time zones.

  • We are committed to empowering as many elite athletes as possible. If you need assistance or have specific requirements, reach out to us at info@victoryventures.io.

  • Applications close on May 20, 2024 at 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time.

  • Yes, we welcome co-founding teams and would love for you to attend together. The cost of the program is the same whether the organization has a single founder or a co-founding team. When applying, we require only one application per team as the co-founder details can be entered as part of the application.

  • The Victory Ventures Accelerator Program runs for 12 weeks.

    The kick-off in Toronto is a 1 to 2-day time commitment of 8 hours a day.

    The virtual modules are 90 minutes each on a bi-weekly basis.

    In between modules, you are expected to do some homework and can choose to join office hours for one-on-one coaching.

    You can expect to spend about 2-3 hours a week on homework.

    At Kick-off, you will receive a suggested schedule to help you structure your work for the full length of the program.

  • You can apply for the accelerator online HERE.

    We will reach out to you directly if we have more questions or need more clarification.

    This outreach is ongoing so we encourage you to apply early.

    Once applications close, a selection panel will make final decisions on who will join the cohort.

    We don’t want to leave you hanging so you will hear from us whether you are selected or not.

    We will reach out to all applicants with a final decision by June 30, 2024.

  • Yes, you can apply if you are not from Canada.

  • We are committed to creating an inclusive and accessible application process for everyone. If you need assistance or have specific requirements, reach out to us at info@victoryventures.io – we’re here to help.

  • No, Victory Ventures does not take equity. We are a social enterprise and we do charge a fee for each idea entering the accelerator to cover the costs of running the program. The investment is CA $9,500.

  • We work with partners and angels to offer funding to those who can’t afford the program. Select the Funding option in the application form. Should you be short-listed, we will reach out to discuss options.

  • You can reach us at info@victoryventures.io